Welcome to Insanity!

The Iron Butt Association is all about safe long-distance motorcycling.


The IBA was founded in the US by Michael Kneebone. As an independent department we represent the IBA in the Benelux, Germany and surrounding countries.
The IBA has no traditional membership and we have no annual dues or formal meetings. There is only one way to become a member, which is to successfully complete an IBA certified ride and the successful certification of that ride.
To do this, you plan, drive and document a ride. You send us the proofs by e-mail and we check your trip.
If your exam is successfull, you will receive a globally unique IBA number, a corresponding certificate and your ride will be immortalized in the Hall of Fame.
For example, a good start is the Saddle Sore 1000, 1000 miles (or 1600 kilometers) in less than 24 hours.


You can also find us on Facebook or in the IBA Benelux Forum.


Total kilometers

Which motorcycle brand is the most popular for long distance riding
